Friday, January 15, 2010

Understanding.... the world!

At what point will we as "human beings" start helping people all the time and not only when there is a crisis? Don't get me wrong I am all about helping the people of Haiti but why do we need to send them so much money when we don't have it to send? And we have known for MANY MANY years that they have been living well below the poverty level and have we bothered to send them money to help them? NO!!! So now because we are seeing such sad photos and we see the devastation that has been cause we want to help...Why didn't we think about helping this poverty sticken area before a major catastrophy happened? I am not quite sure I understand that. Not only that but we have SOOOO much poverty right here in our own area why are we not putting that much money towards helping out all of them? When Katrina hit it was the same scenerio, that area was soooo poverty stricken from the beginning most of the people didn't have the ability to get out wether it be because they didn't have the money or because they didn't have transportation. If we had put forth billions of dollars to these people years ago maybe it would have changed the way they lived..Now don't get me wrong I know that not everybody is honest and good and some people will not take the help offered to them and use it in a way that needs to be used. But on the flip side to that there are a lot of people who WOULD... I pray for peace and help and comfort for the people of Haiti...I could not imagine the devastation that they are facing. I have a hard time watching the news because it breaks my heart. That earth quake could have soooo easily happened right here at home...

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