Monday, March 30, 2009


Isn't it BEAUTIFUL!!! I have been working my butt of the las two days to get it all finished.. If you notice there are still some shingles that need to be put on the tower roof, we ran out of glue so Chad is going to finish that up tomorrow. But I was ready to show everyone how cute it looks. Now some of you will remember the before pictures (if not then just look back thru my posts) I was really concerned that I would NEVER complete this. But after a while guilt started to set in that she was not getting to play with this doll house. So I have been really working to get this done. She has to now get wallpaper if she wants...funny huh? and she needs to put in all her furniture. All the detail you see is done piece by piece...The shutters had to be hand painted and glued together and all those pretty decorative pieces had to be painted too and glued on. along with the window frames and the door and all the railings....I am just SOOO glad it's over...LOL...Peyton is very excited to start playing with it too.. I hope you all enjoy seeing the finished product.. Chad asked me if I was going to do another one if we had another girl, I told him that this will be passed down to our childrens, childrens again will I do this sort of project...It will be in our family for YEARS TO

I have been reading up on pregnancy on the internet because that is what women do when they get it said that if you have already had one kid then odds are you will start showing at about 12 weeks...I alomst fell out of chair...I am not ready for all that business...LOL..Did anybody else who has had two or more kids show earlier the second time? I am not going to complain I am just simply going to enjoy it because it is my last... I can not wait for all the wonderful adventures ahead of us... SOOO exciting..

I have been thinking about Amy and the girls all day..I just pray that God eases their pain. I will continue to keep them in my prayers. Also I wanted to let Jonnica and Josh know that I am thinking and praying for them as well.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Well I guess since my husband announced it on facebook last night I have to announce it on here... I AM PREGNANT!! YAY ...I am very very excited,scared, and all that good stuff but God is blessing us EVERYDAY!! It is still really early so I am just praying that God keeps us strong and healthy...I have never had a baby in this area before so if you know of a good doctor you recommend please let me know I am lost..Peyton was born in WV and if I could go back to that dr for the next nine months I would he was WONDERFUL!! KEEP US IN YOUR PRAYERS!!! I will keep everyone updated!! Oh yeah and Peyton is not very looked at me then at Chad and walked off...Then she started crying and said "I wanted to be the only princess" HA HA HA...She said this is "WEIRD" lol..Do you think I have raised a DRAMA QUEEN??

Monday, March 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Chad

Today is Chad's birthday, though I know he will not read this I could not let the day go by without posting his picture on here and wishing him a Happy Birthday...Thanks to Melissa Johnson for the great Chicago Bears cake..I highly recommend her for any of your cake needs. It was delicious... We celebrated yesterday since I had to work today. He and Peyton decided to go fishing at the river...Funny though because they NEVER NEVER catch anything....LOL... Not a lot has been going on here lately. Things have been really good actually, it is funny how when you get back into church and realize the true meaning of God how things start changing for the god in your life. Bro Gary made a good comment for the last two sundays....He said "You are who you are when you are around people you don't know." How simple of a way to put it and how true it is...So I have really had that stuck into my head. I have said for a long time about how the only bad habit I have left in my life is my I have been really trying hard to chill my mouth out..LOL..some of you know me well enough to know what I am talking about. And I have actually been doing rather well..And I have really thought about what he has said. If I can watch my mouth in front of strangers and in front of my boss then I should be able to control it all the time... I pray every night and thank God for giving me the strength to make it thru each day with out my foul mouth... He has had a job cut out for him...LOL ...LOL... But he has never let me down before so I know he is giving me the power to do so now... I hope you all have a great week and May God bless you all...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Catching up

This weekend was a bit out of the norm for us. My BFF Tasha had been in town since Tuesday due to her dad being in the hospital. So of course Tasha being the person she is doesn't tell me this until Friday when I called her as I was leaving work. So I was VERY excited to see her and Devun and to meet her soon to be husband Steven. They came to our house Saturday morning and we spent most of the day printing envelopes for her wedding invitations. Which I enjoy that sort of stuff so I was fine with that. Peyton and Devun played and Peyton soon decided that she "loved" Devun and she was really going to miss him when the day had to be over. Then we decided to go to the Farm Boy and eat dinner and when we got there they were doing karaoke. It was nice to be able to hear and see that Locally. There is nothing really like that and it was fun. I had not heard Richie Ellis sing since high school and it was GREAT...He is a wonderful voice. Chad decided he would give it a try and did a good job on two songs and then we ate and I thought it would be fun to venture out to Deanna's new house and surprise her with Tasha. They had not seen each other since High School. So I walked into the house and made Deanna stay back and I brought in Devun and said do you know who's kid this is......LOL...She stood there for a minute and then said.....TASHA!!! So it was good to get to hang out and chat and of course get to play with the boys, Peyton was right in there with them. Chad was shooting those foam bullets at them and they were running wild thru the house..IT was fun though. Then we took Tasha back to her car and said our goodbye's and Tasha didn't want to let go :( But she is still in so I am hoping to see her for lunch before she goes back to Texas. I really don't realize how much I miss having her in my life until she is here and then has to leave again. Peyton cried herself to sleep that night cause she missed Devun (I know she is just like me) so we have decided to let them color or draw each other pictures and mail them to each other and even when they get older they will hopefully keep it up and be able to write letters to one another.I think it will be fun and they were both excited about it. Sunday was a WONDERFUL day at Belmont. God is truly working wonders in these young peoples hearts. I am AMAZED each Sunday by the number of youth that fill up the first three or four pews. And you never hear a peep and they are all paying attention. It is grea to see that God is working thru each and everyone of them. I know how hard teenage life can be but these kids have got a WONDERFUL thing going for them, it is exciting to see the changes in their life each Sunday. Chad did a new song this Sunday and it was very good. Of course I hear him sing a lot at home while practicing but I have to admit that everytime he sings at church God is pulling him through it...It sounds so pure and clear and I know Chad is moved EVERYTIME...To see what God is continuing to do in our lives is WONDERFUL.. We may not be the richest people in the world or wear the finest of clothes or have the greatest jobs but as long as we walk with Jesus we are richer than we could ever imagine to be. And some days that is all that keeps me going. I thank God for such a forgiving God. Today has been a long busy day we had the Executive Director of the KY Habiat down for meetings all morning and collecting information on our 14 acre "green" village that we are working on. It is soooo amazing and I can now feel that it is just right there for us to put the pieces together for us to have the "FIRST EVER" Habitat "Green" community..I am so excited and can not wait to see what lies ahead.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and a great Monday so far.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Niki and Zak

I am far from being a professional photographer and to be honest I don't think I would want to be because I would constantly be worried about how the pictures are going to turn out...But I LOVE to just take the kids out or family members out and take pictures of them for fun and just play around with them....I am kind of getting stuck on my editing part because I can't seem to figure out everything that I know I can do with editing...Oh well I am just having fun and teaching myself new things along the way...Photography is just a peaceful and fun thing that I enjoy doing...I took Niki and Zak to Rochester Dam yesterday and this is what I got. I thought I got some really good pictures of them..Hope you enjoy

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I could definetly be that person.... I have felt better than I have felt in my life, I still worry way to much about things that are out of my control. But I am at ease. I know that God has my life in his hands, I know that he has me and he will guide me in the right direction. My only problem is that I can't wait....I am NOT a very patient person AT ALL so I am ready to hear God whisper in my ear and tell me what's I know I am a nut. So I now just have to realize that I am going to have to wait and watch for him to tell me what to do next. I am excited about the person I can feel myself becoming. Last night Chad said to me that since he has been laid off for so long that he has started "thinking" about his life. He said that a lot of things that he has tucked away for years he has thought about in the last few months...He has thought about his childhood and his teen life and also about his adult life. He has traveled down MANY roads and God has only put him in situations that he knew Chad could pull out of. I was really quiet whil listening to him talk to me (cause Chad is not one to just open up) when he was done talking about all the things he has been thinking about I just simply said "But look at us, God has never left us astray." In our deepest darkest times he was always providing for us. When I got pregnant with Peyton we were scared to death. We were far from being parents. But God knew what he was doing when he gave us this wonderful gift...If not for Peyton coming and Changing who Chad was it is hard telling where we would be at. We talked about people in our life who's marriage is difficult and I realized that we have it pretty easy...Though we have been through some VERY trying times in our marriage we have never left each other's side...I know who Chad is and I accept him with all his flaws and he know's who I am and he accept me and all my flaws and we have grown from there. I know what to expect out of him and what NOT to expect out of him. And he will be the first one to admit that he is "hard" but it is only because of his childhood and how he was brought up that made him be the "hard" person that he is today.

When he sang Midnight Cry at church a few sunday's ago (because last sunday's rendition was not the greatest that he can do lol) He said he was a little nervous since it had been so long since he had sang. When he came back to sit with me after his (what I thought to be a powerful version) singing. He said "I almost passed out" and he was serious looking as ever.... and I just smiled and said "I don't think that was nerves or you about passing out, I think that was God moving through you." It is just amazing what I can see God doing in his life. Chad is a singer, now he is not that BEST in the world but he is good and he is never as happy as he is when he is singing for the Lord.... Please keep him in your prayers that God continues to work through Chad. I can feel GREAT things begining to happen....

I just wanted to ramble a little bit. I always loving having meaningful conversations with my husband and I especially like sharing my experiences with God...I pray that he hears my EVERY prayer...because I have been praying in the overload department.... LOL

Sunday, March 8, 2009


There is no greater joy in the world than that of kids. I wish that I could see my nieces and nephews every day but unfortunately I am not able to. I could see Tristan and Braxtan more than what I do but it is sometimes just hard to get there and spend the time with them that I would like to. So when I do get to see them I am always very excited....When we went to NYC we stopped at my sisters house and stayed all night and I had said before how happy I was to get that kisses from Bayleigh and I she did give me the best ever....I just love her, she was so happy to see her AA. Her and Peyton played and played until finally I had to put them in separate beds so they would sleep, actually Peyton ended up sleeping with Heather and!!
Since I was gone for a while it had been a while since I had got to see the McClintock boys so Friday afternoon we ventured out to hang with them...And I am always anxious to hear the stories of what Tristan has been doing. He is such a little character...I love him so much and he getting really good at ignoring me...LOL...Just like his daddy always did...Mammaw brought them bubbles so we let them sit on the porch and blow bubbles and they had a great time. So I have posted some pictures of them enjoying their time outside.. We have had a very relaxing and successful weekend. We got a lot of stuff done, including the painting of the dollhouse. THAT'S RIGHT!!!! It looks really good and I just have to put the porches on and the windows and door in and then I am done....YAY...I will post pictures of it soon...I think you will all be impressed!!! Hope you all have a great week..

Friday, March 6, 2009

Been there done that a shirt and glad to be home

I will at least say that I enjoyed myself. I was very glad to be able to go and experience New York City and say that I have been there. But I will thank God everyday that I am from my little small town and be grateful for what he has given to couldn't pay me enough money to live there!! Now Washington DC or Chicago sure I would live at either of those places without a problem...New York city, NO WAY!!! It was very cool but I was just not impressed with anything at all....I enjoyed seeing everything but that is about it. It didn't help that it was 20 degrees and the winds were about 40 mph and there was 10 inches of snow on the ground either...It is really a dirty city...and expensive...not only to eat or buy things there but just to pay the tolls to get into the city. I am talking $8.00 just to go through the brooklyn battery tunnel!! it takes you under the Hudson river into NYC. Very cool but geeeshhh... When we got to our hotel on Sunday night we got checked in and got our stuff put away in just enough time for the snow to start falling...and when it came it didn't stop until morning..It was beautiful, it's not very often you get to see the ocean with the waves and snow on the was beautiful..I have attached a few pictures... I have a tendency of taking strange pictures...which would explain the coffee cups...We were at a stop sign and all these coffee cups from starbucks were just lined up on top of the fence post..I thought it was I took a picture...LOL... We had fun and I thank God for getting us there safely and home safely as well...