Sunday, February 21, 2010


Two years ago today I lost a great friend to a horrible diease called Bechets. Tiffany struggled for far to long with this illness. Though life kept us a part for way to long I thank God for bringing us back together towards the end of Tiffany's life. Though she was in such horrible pain and dealing with her own battles daily, she was always trying to help me find my place with the Lord. I could have never asked for better friend than Tiffany. I miss her everyday BUT I know we will meet again someday.

Soon we'll come to the end of life's journey
And perhaps we'll never meet anymore
Til we gather in Heaven's bright city
Far away on that beautiful shore

if we never meet again this side of heaven
as we struggle through this world and it's strife
there's another meeting place somewhere in heaven
by the beautiful river of life

where the charming roses bloom forever
and separations come no more
if we never meet again this side of heaven
I will meet you on that beautiful shore

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


It really doesn't get any better than this...The first picture is of course Tarryn representing her Vday outfit...I have taken a vow to ALWAYS have a hair bow on her head as long as she will allow me to (Peyton would never let me put a bow on her) Poor Tarryn is getting all of next picture is Tarryn asleep in walker and the last picture was taken while I was sitting on the couch Peyton pushed Tarryn over in front of the tv and that is what I saw when I first looked up..I mean really look at that cute little round head that you can barely see HE HE HE !!! I love it I cracked up I thought it looked like a little ole' man sitting there. She is such a big girl hard to believe she is only 2 months old!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

When Daddy's away!

I LOVE THESE TWO little girls...They have changed my life in so many ways. Since Chad has been gone this week Peyton has been snuggling with me at night in our bed and I have to admit I have LOVED it..When I came in tonight and Peyton had the princess mask over her eyes I died laughing...She really is a THen I look over at Tarryn laying in her bassinet I just melted...THANK YOU GOD for this amazing gift you have given me...The gift of motherhood...NO other gift will EVER be better...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Eyes

When I look into her eyes I see a very smart, loving, caring and curious kid. I see me and of course I see Chad. I see the baby that I held in my arms six years ago. I see my first born baby growing up into an incredible little girl. I see a girl who is on fire to learn EVERYTHING and ANYTHING...I see the future and pray that she follows God all of her life. I see the girl who will eventually graduate High School and college and get married and have a family of own. I see my life in her eyes ONLY BETTER... But most of all I see in her eyes is LOVE...She loves me for me. No matter what I wear or how I look or how mad I make her she loves me unconditional. And guess what? I love her unconditional as well. I hope that I can always guide her in the right direction and allow her to live the life of Gods child.Sometimes its just good to look into the eyes of your child. No matter how old she is in pictures when I look into her eyes I see the same little girl staring back at me. I AM TRULY BLESSED