Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I really thought there would be no greater feeling than the feeling I felt the very first time I held Peyton in my arms! Last night I got to experience her be born again so to speak as she asked Jesus to come into her life and be saved!! She has been asking questions about this for a long time now and she has been telling me for a while that she wanted Jesus in heart forever. Chad and I would talk to her and ask her questions to make sure she knew what she was doing and that she wasn't just doing it because everyone else was. We talked to Bro. Gary about her several times and he told us a few things to ask her and say to her and so I have been prepared since then for her to ask me again. So last night during our WONDERFUL revival she looks up at me with her tear filled eyes and says "Mom I feel Jesus touching me!" We talked for a minute before I went to the altar with her and explained again and she said "MOM I KNOW I AM READY TO HAVE JESUS IN MY LIFE" So we went hand in hand an stepped into her NEW LIFE TOGETHER!!! I COULD NOT BE MORE PROUD OF HER THAN I AM RIGHT NOW!! She knew exactly what she was doing and she was ready to have Jesus in her life forever!

Life changing is almost not even enough to explain the way this Revival has taken over my life. Tonight will be night 24 of Belmont's revival and I can honestly say I have never felt anything so remarkable in my LIFE!! God is in Butler County and he is bringing people out to our church to be saved. I hope it NEVER ends. Chad has been singing a few songs a few different nights and the way God is working in his life is unbelievable. I can see Chad growing in GOD'S love EVERYDAY!! I could not ask for a better husband and daughter than Chad and Peyton I thank GOD for them everyday!!

I am also more than proud of my little brother Ryan, he has lots of wonderful things coming in his young adult life and I am so glad that we had the wonderful loving parents that we have raising us up in a good christian family. I am anxious to see what God has in store for him in his life.

On another note I will 29 weeks pregnant on the 17th....WOW!! I can not believe that it is moving along so fast...I almost want it to slow down so I can enjoy it a bit but with me being as miserable as I have been I am glad I am where I am in this pregnancy... :) I have been getting more and more excited with every kick and roll I feel. She is a very active baby now a days. I can't wait to see her beautiful little face...

Until Next time...Keep us in your prayers as God continues to work in our lives!

1 comment:

Dawn Overton said...

That is WONDERFUL Ashley! I know you must be very proud. Its things like that that I look forward to as a new mommy. We can only hope that we give our children the upbringing that they deserve and it sounds like you all are doing just that!! Peyton is a special lil girl!!