Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A few thoughts...

We baked cupcakes last week...And as you can see from the pictures Peyton only ate the batter...lol! Since we have been on diets for so long we have not made sweets in our house so Peyton was in heaven...lol.. I made 30 cupcakes for work picnic and they were delicious!!! Not a lot has been going on lately. Chad started his new job last week so that has been going well. He has been busy and a bit crazy all at once. go to the dr. this Thursday I will be almost 12 weeks pregnant when I go...I feel like it is creeping by, but I guess that is okay. It's my last one so I am trying to enjoy it. Even though I have been sick. I never was sick with Peyton so I now know how that feels...BLAH, BLAH, BLAH!! I will post more later. I really just haven't been in the mood to sit down and type here lately! I am trying to be better though! Peyton starts tball next week I am so excited I think she is going to have a great time. Here is hoping anyways!


DJ and Jill said...

Just saw that dollhouses are 25% off at Hobby Lobby!! You better get started on one incase this new little one is a girl!! ;)

Ashley Bridges said...

HA HA HA JILL...You must be NUTS!!! That is about right though, that they would now be on sale...If this next one is a girl they will share... I WILL NOT FEEL BAD ONE BIT!!! LOL