Thursday, May 7, 2009

Does Anybody Hear Her!

I have to admit that I had never watched the video to this song until today. I was sitting at my desk this morning and wanted to hear some Casting crowns so I got on youtube and just started listening to different songs. This was always one of my favorite songs. I knew what they were singing about but I don't think I ever REALLY knew some of the things they were singing about. Can anybody hear her. I really believe that as Christian people a lot of us (including myself) steer away from helping others who look like they are need for lack of not knowing what to say. I have learned over the last few months that it is a lot easier to talk to someone about God if you just allow yourself to let God lead you through. Working with Habitat I have heard a lot of crazy, sad, disturbing stories. I often just sit back and listen. But the other day I looked at the woman who was telling me her whole life story and I just simply asked her if she was attending church. When she responded with a simple No, I told her that once God was top priority in her life then all the other things that she was struggle with would fall into place. She looked at me with tear filled eyes and said "Yes, you are right" Enough said after that. That is all it took for that woman to know that she was deserving of God's love. I gave her my card and she left. Though I have not seen her since I can only hope that the simple words that i said to her that day will guide her into a church, and that the people in the church will not look at her and turn away but will welcome her with arms wide open!! It only takes a few seconds to share God's love with someone. Do you know somebody who is running in the wrong direction?

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