Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Train ....

This may be weird to some....But I LOVE the sound of trains! Since I work across the rail road tracks I usually once or twice a week get caught by the train. This morning as I was coming back to my office from the post office I saw the rails going down at the train tracks ahead and unlike other people I got excited...lol...I love that relaxing 5 mintues (that feels like longer) to roll my window down and feel the beauty of the morning and the sound of the train whistle and then just hearing it go along the tracks. I know strange huh? I am sure all the people who live by the train track would shoot me for even thinking that it's soothing. I have never been like fascinated with trains or a collector of them but I LOVE that few minutes that I get to stop and listen to the pattern of the train race along the tracks. This morning I was listening to Jason Crabb's new c.d (as I do EVERY morning) and it was just so uplifting to hear his voice and the sound of the train and the cool wind blowing in my windows. Thank you God for giving me this day and every other day you have give me and will continue to give me.

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