Tuesday, November 25, 2008


This song brings me comfort...So many things I can say about how this song makes me feel.Ever since my friend Tiffany passed away I have found myself thinking so hard about a lot of things that I didn't really think of before. Tiffany was a wonderful person and always a happy joyous person to be around. During the last year or so of her life we were able to share some wonderful heartfelt conversations, I will never forget any of them. When I was down and depressed I would talk to her and even after all of her hurting and anger and sickness she was able to tell "ME" I would be okay. She was able to speak the word of God to me. I mean if you actually knew what all she was going through then you will know how difficult it was for her to even talk at times. But still she ALWAYS found the right words to say to me. But I just can't help but think everyday if I said the right things to her as a friend? Did I tell her how wonderful she actually was? Did she know how much she touched my life and so many others? I pray everyday that she is watching me and helping me in my days of confusion. I truly believe that somedays she is the one smacking me in the head and telling me to stop it...LOL.... She never hesitated any other time in telling me her opinion... I just really really miss her. I know it's to late but I would have loved to have seen her on thanksgiving and I would have loved to have gone to her house and sat and talked for hours about nothing at all. But I don't have that chance now and everyday I kick myself for letting each day pass by when she was still here. The phone calls and the emails just were not enough...Last night I was cleaning out my closet and ran across my wedding album (yes they are buried in my closet lol) and as I was looking through the pictures I saw her sitting in the crowd. It gave me comfort in knowing that she is still sitting in the crowd watching me, not only on that day but now she is watching me everyday...... REMEMEBER ME TIFFANY......I LOVE YOU ALWAYS....

Monday, November 24, 2008

I love this time of year

I took a few pictures of kash and Peyton this weekend just playing around..I just can't get enough of Kash he is so cute and cuddly...And he likes puking and pooping on me...But that's okay I love him just the same... Just wanted to share the pictures with you ....


Thank you so much Tara for giving me this wonderful award... How cool this is why I love the Blog world more than myspace,facebook and all the others. I can get on here and write about whatever I want and people are actually interested in reading it..LOL it doesn't get much better than that...

I love reading Tara's blog and seeing all the phone moments she has with those adorable boys of her's. It's great to know that she and other's read mine as well...
The qualifications to receive the award are:
A. Display a cheerful attitude.
B. Love one another.
C. Make mistakes.
D. Learn from others.
E. Be a positive contributor to the blog world.
F. Love life.
G. Love kids.

The Rules:
1. Must link it back to the creator
2. Post the rules
3. Choose 5 people to give it to
4. Recipients must fit the characteristics above
5. Create a post to share this
6. You must thank the winner
I had a very very hard time choosing winners, but here it goes.....
I chose 5 blogs also!!!

1.Laurie Keen (I love looking at her wonderful work)
2.Leslie West (she is starting her new photography and I love looking and keeping up with that adorable little one)
3.Sheena Sadler(we went to school together and I she always use to crack me up and I find myself laughing just as much at her blogs..she is a great writer)
4.Barkley and Gracie(this is my cousins dogs and they are so cute)
5.Jo Jason and Logan (this is also my cousins blog and my way of keeping in touch

Hope you all enjoy this fun little award...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


We took Peyton to this little princess store in the Opry Mills mall yesterday called Libby Lu's It is the coolest, cutest store ever. Unfortunately it will be going out of business at the end of January 2009. Like a lot of stores in the Opry Mills (and other malls) are going out of buisness. This was right up Peyton's alley and I was very please with all she got and how she looked. For $20.00 she got her makeup done, hair done (which she got to choose the style), her nails done, a sash to go over her like a beauty queen, she got to pick her a prize which she choose the headset microphone,plus she got a goody bacg and 7 small items to put in her goody bag....ALL THAT!! It was well worth it. And she had a great time. Of course when we got back into town she had to go by her mammaw's (my mom's) and then her nanna's (Chad's mom). She was so proud and so were we she had a great time and I was so glad that we were able to do that with her. I love family outings, They are the BEST!!

Friday, November 14, 2008


I found this picture of Peyton and Ryan on mom's computer tonight and I had to post it. Peyton loves her uncle Ryan (for some reason ha ha) and this proves that she always has. They have both changed so much. Time flies when you are having fun ...Just a glimpse of how cute they are... :)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Veterans Day

This day should be a day for all of us to really remember ALL the veterans. My husband is a veteran of the Army. I am so glad that I didn't have to go through some of the things that army wives have to encounter. I am very blessed and very proud of my husband and his duties to the United States Army. Though I will always yearn for that Army life I am thankful to not be in that situation. I could not imagine not having Chad home with me everynight. So here is to all of those young and old who have served our country with pride through out the years. And heres to all the young and old who died fighting for our Country. THEY ARE ALL MY HERO'S.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Missing my Friend.....

Sometimes life is just to hard to understand. My friend Tasha and I have been friends since about middle school I guess. There really was nothing that seperated us all through school. Everything I did she did and everything she did I did. We have so many great memories together. We have always been there for each other even when we were at odds with each other we always ended up talking again either by accident or because one of us would contact the other. It was always great for me to pick up the phone and hear her crazy voice on the other line.... Then there was the time she came to Chad's house our senior year of high school and told me she was leaving. We had actually been in an argument over something and then all of a sudden she is leaving and going to Texas. I was so heart broken. We talked for a minute and then she was gone.....To be honest with you I don't know how much time passed before we actually talked again. I was so sad and hurt that she was really leaving. That night was about 8 years ago. Then over time we got back in touch and we had both gotten married and moved away and then even though there was a lot of heart ache to overcome we were both pregnant at the same time. I can remember us talking on the phone about how we felt and we both just wanted to be closer for each other. Then I got the call from Calvin that Devun was born as I hung up the phone I just cried.... I wanted to be there with her and I wanted to hug her and Devun. But most of all I wanted her to know that I was still there for her, I wanted her to feel our true friendship was never ending.... She finally got to come home when Devun was almost a year old....She was here for about a year and we had so much fun with the kids being together everyday and laying in the bed at night talking about old times. Devun calling Chad daddy and Devun walking for the first time... Those are all memories I will never forget. Now our babies are in school and getting ready to be in school and we are once again wishing we were closer..... So mant things we want to share with each other are hard to share over the phone or internet. Sometimes life just really isn't fair I want her to be home so bad It hurts. I often think about how it use to be and I wish for it to be like that again. There have been so many sad times in my life that I would have done anything for a hug from her and for her to just make me laugh when I was depressed. I just miss her and when I know she is hurting it makes it hard on me to not be with her. I pray that God will answer all her prayer and all my prayers and I hope that one day soon I will get to see her again....


Love you lots

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Look what I found

WOW.....How time has passed by so fast. I can not believe that my baby girl is going to be starting school next year. Where has time gone??? I remember her crawling around and riding on the sweeper and me holding her and rocking her to get her to sleep. Those are memories I will cherish forever. I remember thinking about her growing up when she was a baby and now here I am thinking about her being a baby. I know that we will make more wonderful memories everyday but the ones of me being able to hold her will always be my special memories.... Here is Peyton when she was a baby...Isn't that hilarious..... bold as she could be too.. LOL

I have been tagged....

What a cute little idea.... Thanks Tara for the tag. I always enjoy this kind of stuff. Finding the picture may be interesting for me

This is a picture of Ashlee Kash Hampton. Isn't he just the cutest little thing... I will now have to post some more since he has grown so fast...