Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Missing my Friend.....

Sometimes life is just to hard to understand. My friend Tasha and I have been friends since about middle school I guess. There really was nothing that seperated us all through school. Everything I did she did and everything she did I did. We have so many great memories together. We have always been there for each other even when we were at odds with each other we always ended up talking again either by accident or because one of us would contact the other. It was always great for me to pick up the phone and hear her crazy voice on the other line.... Then there was the time she came to Chad's house our senior year of high school and told me she was leaving. We had actually been in an argument over something and then all of a sudden she is leaving and going to Texas. I was so heart broken. We talked for a minute and then she was gone.....To be honest with you I don't know how much time passed before we actually talked again. I was so sad and hurt that she was really leaving. That night was about 8 years ago. Then over time we got back in touch and we had both gotten married and moved away and then even though there was a lot of heart ache to overcome we were both pregnant at the same time. I can remember us talking on the phone about how we felt and we both just wanted to be closer for each other. Then I got the call from Calvin that Devun was born as I hung up the phone I just cried.... I wanted to be there with her and I wanted to hug her and Devun. But most of all I wanted her to know that I was still there for her, I wanted her to feel our true friendship was never ending.... She finally got to come home when Devun was almost a year old....She was here for about a year and we had so much fun with the kids being together everyday and laying in the bed at night talking about old times. Devun calling Chad daddy and Devun walking for the first time... Those are all memories I will never forget. Now our babies are in school and getting ready to be in school and we are once again wishing we were closer..... So mant things we want to share with each other are hard to share over the phone or internet. Sometimes life just really isn't fair I want her to be home so bad It hurts. I often think about how it use to be and I wish for it to be like that again. There have been so many sad times in my life that I would have done anything for a hug from her and for her to just make me laugh when I was depressed. I just miss her and when I know she is hurting it makes it hard on me to not be with her. I pray that God will answer all her prayer and all my prayers and I hope that one day soon I will get to see her again....


Love you lots

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