Monday, June 8, 2009


YAY!!!! Peyton is a finalist....Go check out her performance of Miley Cyrus "The Climb" and vote for her. I of course think she did a great job...And I called Chad and told him he got beat out by his daughter....HA HA HA HA!! We all already know he is talented so now it's just time to give Peyton the spotlight for a second.... LOL!! YOU GO PEYTON!!!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I'd like to congratulate Peyton for her 2nd place win in TBGT competition. As Sarah (Kingdom Mama) explained that in addition to the 3 winners, we each were picking a personal favorite and sending a prize just to them.

Peyton, you rocked! I will be making you something special. Can you please have your mama send me your waist measurement and waist to knee measurement - as well as a shipping address? Thanks, Sweets. You have a beautiful talent and I'm going to be blogging about you soon.

My email is girly923 at gmail dot com


Ashley Bridges said...

THANK YOU SO MUCH !!! PEYTON IS SO EXCITED!!! I will be sending you all this stuff in just a bit... !!! THANKS AGAIN!