Tarryn Rae Bridges was born on Decemeber 1, 2009 she weighed 8lbs 10oz and was 21.5 inches long. She came out screaming her little head off. I do not believe she was ready to make her debut yet
Peyton was sooooo excited and she is such a loving big sister. It was a very different week for her, she has never stayed all night with people not even her grandparents but maybe one night in her 6 years of life but she had to stay with her mammaw Fazel for like 3 days in a row and that was just a big change for her then she didnt want to leave her sister at the hospital so she would cry when she had to leave. Bless her heart it was just a lot to take in all at once..
I can not praise God enough for giving us yet another wonderful gift of life..Tarryn is perfect in every way. I just sit and stare at her, it's so hard to believe that I could grow something so absolutly amazing in my belly in just 9 months. I am blessed beyeond belief. It has been a lot to take in and I have been a bit overwhelmed at times I never realized how much of difference having two kids would be. I do not know how people can have a lot of kids and stay sane. lol... Dont' get me wrong I love my Peyton and Tarryn more than anything in this world but it is just different with two. Post partum is always the worse. I am not one of these superwomans who can give birth and never miss a beat. I go through ALL the emotions and night time seems to be worse. I am going to try to sleep in my bed tonight with Tarryn in the bassinet beside me she has not liked it to much but I have her asleep in it now so I am hoping being in my own bed will help me out. I know the hormones will be over soon and I will not always feel so blah but I just pray to God that I get back to normal soon...I will post again soon..
Hang in there girl, you've got the worse part over. Now you have the precious daughters that you will share memories with and traditions with. If you need to take 15 minutes take it and I promise you will feel like a new woman! God bless you and your family as you grow together!
Love, Tammy Dotson
thanks Tammy....Things are already getting better. I am starting to feel more human again. God has blessed me beyond belief over the years. I thank God for these two precious gifts he has given me..thanks again for the kind words.
thanks Tammy....Things are already getting better. I am starting to feel more human again. God has blessed me beyond belief over the years. I thank God for these two precious gifts he has given me..thanks again for the kind words.
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