Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 3


Ok, so this may sound cheesy but here goes....

I have thought about this post all day, at first I was thinking about middle school, about how I thought I was in love with this boy (I wont mention names since my blog is now public lol) I still see him sometimes today and I thank God for unanswered prayers. I think a lot of that guy but I my life would be in a completely different place if I was with him, and I have to say not one that I would be proud of. Unless I could have changed him but that is a different post.

Then I got to thinking the first person that I was in "LOVE" with was Chad. You know the whole sappy story so I wont tell it here, as cheesy as it may sound its the truth, and NO, Chad does not read my blog so I am not getting any points by typing I can honestly say that he can still give me butterflies in my stomach, and when I look at him I feel the same way I did when we started dated....I always knew I would be with him and again God put us together for so many reasons that we are just now seeing. I love him, I have loved him since I was young child and even though I dated other people he was always in my heart, and everytime he came home from leave, he found me. I mean it was never coincidence, he FOUND me. Even though I was young and everyone just thought I was stupid for falling in love so quick, they didn't really know I had loved him for years... HE IS MY FIRST AND ONLY REAL LOVE!!

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