Monday, January 24, 2011



Yes I am aware that I am a day behind, but it is just a day so it's ok. :)

I currently have 5 siblings, I say currently because I never know when my father may call me and tell me there is another sibling out there he is just now finding out daddy, I couldn't resist adding that to my blog..

My oldest sibling is my sister Krista, she and I have a special bond, we share the same birthday only 8 years apart. I felt that it really should have been her happiest birthday every and I should have been the best gift she has ever gotten to date, BUT apparently I am WRONG! I thinks it's funny how two people who can be such complete opposites can still have so much fun together like we do. She is the one I call when I am mad, sad, happy, or just want to call because I have nothing better to do. I am pretty sure since we were born on the same day it really does give us a closer relationship, I feel more like she is my twin (I'm much prettier of course lol) I know when she is hurting, sad, or mad. When she is struggling with all of her "life" issues that I know that I can not fix for her I just want to take her place and make it all better. But I can't, instead I can only cry with her and pray for her and love her unconditioanlly. She is my best friend and I am very proud to call her my sister. My sister is married to Bryan and she has three kids, Lindsay, Cole and Bayleigh.

The next is my older brother Robbie, Though hard headed and mean more times than not in my life I still love him just the same. He was always my "Rock" I guess you would say. When I had a problem he would always listen. He accomplished many wonderful things in his adult life that makes me VERY proud of him. Although I really would have put money on him never marrying and living in the woods in a cabin and only eating the meat in which he killed himself, I am very thankful to have my sister in law Miranda and my two super awesome nephews Tristan and Braxtan.

The baby brother is next, Ryan Allen, came a little late in my moms life but I must say he is the one they love the kidding (kinda lol) I can remember being so over protective of him when he was a baby. He use to be so cute and sweet but in the blink of an eye he would turn on you and be mean as a little snake. He has always been very smart, and a good christian boy. He will be 22 years old this year and has just become a new employee of WRECC which is the job he has been wanting for about a year like always he worked hard and aggravated the right people and got what he wanted....that a boy Ryan!! :) I am wouldn't know what to do with out my little redneck baby brother!

I have two more sisters that came to be my sisters by marriage Jesse and Amanda. I must say though regardless of a blended family we all get a long great and always have. When there mom and my dad married it was the first time I was excited about one of my fathers (my step mom) was a gift sent from God specifically for my daddy and when he sent her he sent Jesse and Amanda to help my sister Krista and step mom Teresa keep my dad on track. IT IS NOT an easy task so any sibling that can do that is extra special in my

I have a big family, and though many miles separate three of us we never loose the love we share for one another! WE ARE FAMILY!!

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