This year we had a wonderful Christmas....Not that we don't every year but it was just so nice to be in our new addition to the house and have a big space to open gifts and Peyton got so much stuff I was almost sickened by it...She should not have to have another toy until next Christmas (yeah right lol). I was so proud of myself I had everything set up in the living room just th way I wanted it to capture Peyton running in their on Christmas morning. I had the video camera set up on the tripod and ready to roll. Christmas morning I went in there turned it on while Chad went to wake up Peyton. Now keep in mind when I was her age I was up every hour on the hour waiting until Robbie would let me out of the room so I could go see what Santa brought. So having to wake up Peyton every year is a little different for I heard her little feet hit the floor and she was running full speed to the living room. When She got to the living room she screamed really loud and jumped on the couch and then jumped off the couch and onto the floor in front of the tree...She was so excited she didn't know what to think about all the stuff. I was so excited to watch her eyes light up. We had Christmas at our house Christmas morning then that afternoon Jeff and Chad's mom and kids came over and we did our christmas with them. It was nice and relaxing and I never felt rushed one bit. I was able to open all of Peyton's gifts and play with her. She got a cupcake maker to so you know I had a good time with that...My sister and the kids came down on Friday so we had christmas at my moms friday night and it was so enjoyable to see how excited the kids were. When I walked through the front door with all those gifts Tristan said "AA presents for me?" He was jumpin and clapping he is so cute. Bayleigh ripped thru her gifts and of coursed loved her baby dolls.Needless to say all the kids got SOOO much stuff and I was so thankful for a good Christmas. We had a few problems that we tend to have to over come each year but Chad and I are pretty use to that and after all we have been thru and overcome over our eight years together we were able to control this situation as well. I will leave it at that. Dust shoved under the rug.... When we were eating dinner Christmas night I asked Peyton if she knew what the real reason was for us celebrating, she looked at me a little a weird so I asked her if she knew who's birthday we were celebrating. She said "yea mom Alpha's" (alpha is Chad's mom's dog) I said HUH NO that is not right...So I went on to explain to her that Jesus was the real reason and if not for him we would not be celebrating. I hope that she keeps what I told her in her head and remembers that everyday. As a parent I know that I fail to tell her about Jesus like I know I should but she already knows all about him... So she thinks She tends to tell me stories... Well I hope you all Had a very Merry Christmas and I hope You all have A Happy New Year and stay safe....
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