Friday, July 31, 2009


So now that I am not so emotionally today I thought I would post about my crazy visit to the Doctor yesterday. Now keep in mind that I am already an emotional person anyway so on top of being pregnant does not help me out at all. When the doctor came into the room we talked for a few minutes about how I had been feeling then she pulls out the paperwork from my ultra sound and says "well everything looks great....except the brain area!!" HELLO, WHAT?? I was so stunned and in panic mode all the sudden that I didnt ask all the right answers. She said they were going to set me up for another ultrasound so they could get pictures of it. She also told me that they were not going to change my original due date of December 5th but the ultra sound read about 6 days earlier....!! Nice that puts it on mine and my sisters bday... SO anyway I leave and get in my car and call Chad and just started crying he kept asking me questions that I really didn't have any answers to. So I called my sister and explained it all to her and once she got me calmed down enough to listen she told me to call or go back up there and ask them the questions. Seeing as how my sister went through this five years ago with Bayleigh I was overly concerned anyway. So I finally calmed down and called back and asked her if there was something I needed to be concerned about, she said "Oh NO, honey we just didn't get any pictures of the brain area because the baby was to active and we need to get some pictures of it." ..........OMG!!!! why did she not jsut say it like that to begin with... Instead you send me into complete melt down and crazy mode over nothing!! I was a mess. I suddenly relaized exactly what my sister went through five years ago when there was something wrong with Bayleigh in the womb. Only they told her the baby wouldn't live outside the womb and it was in the 95th percential of being abnormal. But in reality when Bayleigh was born she was in perfect health....How can they get something like that soooo wrong... Now that Bayleigh is five there are some developmental issues that we are trying to figure out and she is going to the childrens hospital often for testing. But I have a beautiful, loving carefree 5 year old niece who they said would never live outside the womb...HELLO!!!

I am going to continue to pray for my baby to grow healthy for the next 18 weeks, I am also going to pray that God controls me in situations like that and allows me to calm down and ask questions before I get overly emotional...

What a day!!! I was so emotionally exhausted yesterday that I could hardly keep my eyes open.. I am now 22 weeks pregnant and Tarryn really started kicking and rolling last night about 9 pm. so I have a little night owl on my hands already!!!

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