Thursday, July 9, 2009


I am stressed....I am beyond stressed, I hate it when I think everything is going to turn out just the way I planned and then one thing comes and screws the whole plan up. I am to the point to where I just want to stop what I am doing stand up, walk out, get in my car and DRIVE!! I don't want the stress of life anymore and I just wish I would have done things differently a long time ago.. But it's nobody's fault but my own so I have nobody to point the finger at but meyself....Which doesn't make it any easier. I am mad at people for good reasons but I then again I understand them too... But then I have so many good points to fire back at them, that I know they will not hold a chance to my arguments. But then again, who am I? I can be replaced in a minute, and when I am gone I will be replaced in a minute. I am trying REALLY hard not to overreact and I am trying REALLY hard to give it all to GOD but I can't get passed my worries and hurt and anger to just give it to him. I would love to be that person that can just do that with out problem. There is a plan for me, There is a reason why things happen and now here we go again waiting to see the plan that I soooo hate waiting on. I am tired of waiting on these things to happen.

Please pray for me and my family that the next several months will work out for the best and that God will provide for us in the areas we need help in... Please pray that I can overcome my emotions and be the good christian person that I know I am....

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